Dr Bernd Grimm
Scientific Collaborator, LIH
Following his PhD in Biomedical Engineering and lectureship for Applied Mechanics at the University of Bath, UK, Dr. Grimm set up and directed the orthopaedic research foundation at the Zuyderland Medical Center, training hospital of Maastricht University, NL. As Senior Scientist at the Human Motion Institute, Munich, DE, affiliated with the Computational Medicine Department of the Technical University Munich (TUM) he focused on the development and validation of wearable devices and digital biomarkers as clinical trial outcomes. Now Dr. Grimm leads the transversal research platform “Human Motion, Orthopaedics, Sports Medicine, Digital Methods” at the Luxembourg Institute of Health (LIH) applying, developing and validating movement and physical activity derived
clinical outcomes and digital biomarkers using lab-based, field-based and real-life methods.
Dr. Grimm has developed, as a pioneer in the field wearable sensor applications for the measurement of human movement and physical activity, methods now used by various international universities and the topic of invited keynote lectures and symposia. Dr. Grimm has been past-president of the European Orthopaedic Research Society, EORS, acts as incoming president of the International Combined Orthopaedic Research Societies (ICORS) and serves as an editorial board member for various journals such as the “Journal of Translational Orthopaedics” (JOT), “EFORT Open Reviews” (EOR) and “Medicine in Novel Technologies and Devices” (MEDNTD). Bernd Grimm (co-authored) >100 peer-reviewed publications and book chapters and is the inventor on various patents and patent applications.
Dr. Bernd brings in the following relevant expertise: Clinical outcome assessment and (digital) mobility biomarker development, validation and routine application using lab-based, field-based and reallife methods for movement analysis and physical activity monitoring.