Influence of physical activity and sports training on obesity
Thünenkötter T., Urhausen A. Einfluss von körperlicher Aktivität und sportlichem Training auf ÜbergewichtSports Orthop. Traumatol. 37, 18–25 (2021)
For years, the prevalence of overweight and obesity has been increasing worldwide. Due to a variety of associated comorbidities, this represents a central challenge for the health care systems. The majority of the daily energy consumption of humans can be influenced by physical training. Endurance and strength training is recommended for weight reduction. This is one of the main focus of integrative treatment programs, along with the modification of nutrition and behavior. In an adipogenic environment, however, it is very difficult for most overweight and obese people to lose weight. Exercise, even without weight normalization, can help prevent overweight-associated diseases and thus reduce mortality. Physical activity, as a cost-effective intervention, has such a positive effect on health as hardly any other measure. For this reason, therapeutic efforts in overweight and obesity should not be aimed exclusively at weight reduction, but also and especially at increasing cardiorespiratory fitness.