Longitudinal study of changes in greenness exposure, physical activity and sedentary behavior in the ORISCAV-LUX cohort study
van Beek, J.F.E., Malisoux, L, Klein, et al. Longitudinal study of changes in greenness exposure, physical activity and sedentary behavior in the ORISCAV-LUX cohort study. Int J Health Geogr 23, 14 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12942-024-00374-7
Greenness exposure has been associated with many health benefits, for example through the pathway of providing opportunities for physical activity (PA). Beside the limited body of longitudinal research, most studies overlook to what extent different types of greenness exposures may be associated with varying levels of PA and sedentary behavior (SB). In this study, we investigated associations of greenness characterized by density, diversity and vegetation type with self-reported PA and SB over a 9-year period, using data from the ORISCAV-LUX study (2007–2017, n = 628).
Link to the article: https://ij-healthgeographics.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12942-024-00374-7