Specific Sports Related Injuries - Handball

Specific Sports Related Injuries - Handball


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Handball chapter - Landreau P., Laver L., Seil R., Popovic N.  

© ISAKOS 2021 S. Rocha Piedade et al. (eds.), Specific Sports-Related Injuries, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-66321-6_681

eBook ISBN978-3-030-66321-6

Hardcover ISBN978-3-030-66320-9

This book offers an overview of injury prevention and management for all most popular individual and team sports disciplines.

Handball chapter (Landreau P., Laver L., Seil R., Popovic N.) 

Handball is one of the Olympic sports with the highest risk of injuries (13–17% of all athletes in Beijing, London, and Rio). In the 2012 Olympics, handball had the fourth highest injury score (22%) after taekwondo (39%), football (35%), and BMX (31%) and was ahead of other team sports like basketball (11%) and volleyball (6.9%). For some it would even be the highest risk ball sport.

The risk of injuries is usually represented by the number of injuries occurring during a training or competitive match reported per 1000 exposure hours. The results in the literature are variable probably because some report only lesions caus- ing time-loss and others also include overuse.