24 Jan

Verletzungen und Überlastungen des adoleszenten Sportlers

Registration: https://gots.at/webinar_19-24/webinar19-basic.html
01 Feb

Information session about Sportmedizin, Msc (CE)

The “Sports Medicine, MSc” course starts in March 2024 at the University of Krems for Continuing Education in cooperation with the GOTS - Society for Orthopedic-Traumatological Sports Medicine and the ÖGSMP - Austrian Society for Sports Medicine and Prevention. More information: https://www.donau-uni.ac.at/de/studium/sportmedizin.html
29 Feb
02 Mar

7th IOC World Conference on Prevention of Injury & Illness in Sport

The IOC World Conference on Prevention of Injury & Illness in Sport is the premier international conference for those interested in clinical aspects of sports and exercise medicine. The diverse faculty represent the pre-eminent international authorities in injury and illness prevention. This triennial conference is a unique opportunity for the global sport and exercise medicine community to meet face to face in the ideal environment that Monaco provides. More information: https://olympics.com/ioc/medical-research/7-th-ioc-world-conference-on-prevention-of-injury-and-illness-in-sport
21 Mar

Place des exercices dans la prise en charge de la tendinopathie d'Achille (FR)

Yoann Demangeot 18H30-19H30 ORGANISATION › www.sportkine.lu Organisé par l'Académie Luxembourgeoise de médecine, de kinésithérapie et des sciences du sport - Luxembourg academy of sports medecine, physiotherapy & science
08 May
10 May

21st ESSKA Congress 2024

21st edition of the ESSKA Congress in Milan, 8-10 May, 2024. ESSKA brings the Congress to Milan under the theme of Science Meets Art. This theme celebrates the rich artistic and scientific excellence that runs deep through every layer of this City and the Nation of Italy. More information
15 May

Paralympic classification: exploring the boundaries of participation (EN)

Prof. Dr Anja Hirschmüller (ALTIUS Swiss Sportmed Center) & Prof. Dr Yves Vanlandewyck (KU Leuven) 17h30-19h30 ORGANISATION › www.liroms.lu Organisé par l'Académie Luxembourgeoise de médecine, de kinésithérapie et des sciences du sport - Luxembourg academy of sports medecine, physiotherapy & science
22 May

Concussion im Sport (DE)

Dr Felix Hoffmann & Dr José Azzolin (Centre Hospitalier de Luxembourg) 17H30-18H30 ORGANISATION › www.slms.lu Organisé par l'Académie Luxembourgeoise de médecine, de kinésithérapie et des sciences du sport - Luxembourg academy of sports medecine, physiotherapy & science
20 Jun
21 Jun

39th Annual Congress of the GOTS

More information
25 Sep

Back pain in youth sports

You are cordially invited to our upcoming lecture on 25 September at 17:30 in the amphitheatre of “d’Coque”. The event is free to attend and registration is not required. Please note that there will be no livestream for this lecture Priv.-Doz. Dr. Michael Cassel, a specialist in orthopaedics, trauma surgery and sports medicine, works as senior physician at the center of sports medicine of the University of Potsdam, Germany. His main areas of work and research are injuries and complaints in high performance sports among young and competitive athletes, with a focus on load-dependant overuse injuries (e.g. tendinopathies, back pain and spondylolysis).He is an active member of the German Society of Sports Medicine and Prevention (DGSP) and the Committee of Children's Sports Orthopedics of the German-Austrian-Swiss Society for Orthopaedic-Traumatological Sports Medicine (GOTS). Furthermore, Priv.-Doz. Dr. Cassel works for the sports medical care at the Olympic Centre Brandenburg, Germany, since 2007 and is responsible as Head of Medicine for the German Canoe Federation since 2016. Priv.-Doz. Dr. Cassel will give a lecture about „Back pain in youth sports”. He will report on the aetiologies, diagnostics as well as treatment, rehabilitation and prevention options for these complaints, which are already relatively common in adolescence, with a particular focus on young competitive athletes.The lecture will be given in English and is open to the general public. The presentation will last approximately 45 minutes, followed by a 15-minute Q&A session. We hope to see you there! .
09 Oct

Exploring the applications of machine learning and virtual reality in gait analysis and human movement science (EN)

Prof. Dr Brian Horsak (FH St. Pölten) 17H30-18H30 ORGANISATION › www.lihps.lu Organisé par l'Académie Luxembourgeoise de médecine, de kinésithérapie et des sciences du sport - Luxembourg academy of sports medecine, physiotherapy & science
08 Nov
09 Nov

7th Congress of Sports Medicine Homburg/Saar

More information: https://kongress-sportmedizin-homburg-saar-2024.medi-events.de
22 Nov
23 Nov

Sportmedica Congress

The International Sportmedica Congress will be organised in its 8th edition on 22nd and 23rd November 2024 by the Luxembourg Societies for Sports Medicine (SLMS) and Sports Physiotherapy (SLKS) together with the Luxembourg Academy of Sports Medicine, Physiotherapy and Science and its partners. The venue will be the "d'Coque" in Luxembourg. More information
27 Nov


The ReFORM network is proud to present its fourthSymposium on "Injury Prevention in Sport", which will take place online on November 27, 2024 (13.00-17.00 CET). The event will be organized in partnership with the CIO Center Copenhagen(Institute of Sports Medicine Copenhagen (ISMC) & Sports Orthopedic Research Center - Copenhagen (SORC-C)). This year, the topic will be a little more specific and will concern "Wear and tear along a sporting career - The challenges as sports therapists and our responsibilities?" https://reform-sportscimed.org/en/4e-symposium-sur-la-prevention-des-blessures-dans-le-sport/
04 Dec

Mental health challenges among elite athletes (EN)

Prof. Dr Vincent Gouttebarge (UMC Amsterdam, University of Pretoria) 17H30-18H30 ORGANISATION › www.lihps.lu Organisé par l'Académie Luxembourgeoise de médecine, de kinésithérapie et des sciences du sport - Luxembourg academy of sports medecine, physiotherapy & science